; corz gui window animation effects example ; #include #include #include AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 1) HotKeySet("{ESC}","DoQuit") $show = true $gui = GUICreate("My Animating GUI", 200, 80) GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "DoQuit", $gui) AutoItSetOption("TrayMenuMode", 1) AutoItSetOption("TrayOnEventMode", 1) local $win_anims[11] = ["Slide Left", "Slide Top", "Slide Right", "Slide Bottom", _ "Slide Top Left", "Slide Top Right", "Slide Bottom Right", "Slide Bottom Left", _ "Explode/Implode", "Fade", "Disable"] $label = GUICtrlCreateLabel("up/down arrow keys also work fine", 10, 36, 175) $combo = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 10, 10, 115, 20) GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Slide Left|Slide Top|Slide Right|Slide Bottom|Slide Top Left|Slide Top Right|Slide Bottom Right|Slide Bottom Left|Explode/Implode|Fade|Disable") GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ComboSetGuiAnim") $button = GUICtrlCreateButton("do it!", 130, 10, 50, 20) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "ComboSetGuiAnim") ; retrieve ini settings (if any), and use them to show the gui.. $my_fx = corz_GUIAnimateOpen($gui, "", "test.ini", "fx demo") ; set the combo box to the correct animation string.. GUICtrlSetData($combo, EnvGet('gui_fx')) ; make the tray menu.. global $menu_items_win_anim[11] for $i = 0 to 10 $menu_items_win_anim[$i] = TrayCreateItem($win_anims[$i], -1, -1, 1) ;radio menu items TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "TraySetGuiAnim") next for $i in $menu_items_win_anim ; set initial checked status if TrayItemGetText($i) = EnvGet('gui_fx') then TrayItemSetState($i, $TRAY_CHECKED) next TraySetState() do ; idle loop.. Sleep(333) until not $show corz_GUIAnimateClose($gui, $my_fx) ; fin func ComboSetGuiAnim() $my_fx = corz_GUIAnimateClose($gui, GUICtrlRead($combo), "test.ini", "fx demo") Sleep(333) for $i in $menu_items_win_anim if TrayItemGetText($i) = EnvGet('gui_fx') then TrayItemSetState($i, $TRAY_CHECKED) else TrayItemSetState($i, $TRAY_UNCHECKED) endif next corz_GUIAnimateOpen($gui, $my_fx) endfunc func TraySetGuiAnim() $my_fx = corz_GUIAnimateClose($gui, TrayItemGetText(@TRAY_ID), "test.ini", "fx demo") Sleep(333) corz_GUIAnimateOpen($gui, $my_fx) Sleep(250) GUICtrlSetData($combo, EnvGet('gui_fx')); or TrayItemGetText(@TRAY_ID) endfunc ; bye! func DoQuit() $show = false endfunc